After finding the vowels in the Wordle word of the day, it is time to start working through other popular letters that could appear in the answer. For example, C and K are both pretty common letters you can find in a variety of words. If you have found those two letters to appear in the third and fourth slot, here is a list of potential words you can work through to find the answer.
Related: What is Today’s Wordle Word?
Five letter words that have C and K as the third and fourth letters – Wordle list
- backs
- becke
- becks
- bocks
- bucko
- bucks
- bucku
- cacks
- cacky
- cocks
- cocky
- dacks
- decko
- decks
- dicks
- dicky
- docks
- ducks
- ducky
- fecks
- gecko
- gecks
- gucks
- gucky
- hacks
- hecks
- hicks
- hocks
- hucks
- jacks
- jacky
- jocko
- jocks
- jocky
- kacks
- kecks
- kicks
- kicky
- lacks
- licks
- locks
- lucks
- lucky
- macks
- mecks
- micks
- micky
- mocks
- mucks
- mucky
- necks
- nicks
- nocks
- packs
- pecke
- pecks
- pecky
- picks
- picky
- pocks
- pocky
- pucka
- pucks
- racks
- recks
- ricks
- rocks
- rocky
- rucks
- sacks
- sicko
- sicks
- sicky
- socko
- socks
- sucks
- sucky
- tacks
- tacky
- ticks
- ticky
- tocks
- tocky
- tucks
- wacke
- wacko
- wacks
- wacky
- wicks
- wicky
- wocks
- yacka
- yacks
- yocks
- yucko
- yucks
- yucky
- zacks
While all of the above words are eligible to be the answer in Wordle if the third and fourth letters are C and K, some are definitely more likely than others. We recommend first finding which vowel is in the second slot so you can work your way forward from there.
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John Hansen
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